Thursday, February 18, 2010

don't click here if you have looming deadline!

Friday, February 12, 2010

We're moving into our new apartment TOMORROW! I was so excited today that I brought over the grass vase my little sisters gave me for Christmas just so something of mine was there. I found the terracotta pots out on the patio, cleaned them up and brought them inside. The hyacinth is part of the group of objects I gave James for good luck.

Salt - for good luck
Bread - for plentiful food
Olive oil - for health
Wine - for lots to drink (not just alcohol i'm sure!)
Candle - for light and warmth
Honey - for sweetness
Plant - for a long life

All this moving got me to thinkin' about the first place I lived after college. The photos below are for Marianne my Booterstown buddy! You're playing face jenga in the third one – pretty good at it as I recall! Tischtennis, Toshiba and tea.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

that's the moon that is!

we're living out of boxes at the moment, but not for long! we found the most amazing apartment which will hopefully be ready by next week!

i can't wait.