Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Saturday, September 4, 2010

wheat growing around the base of a tree — some wild food!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today I took a little break from work to the cafe 3fE on Abbey Street (the photo is from March when it first opened) and had a coffee. Wow, it was so good! — Only had half a shot as I go a little crazy with too much caffine but it tasted like polished wood and toffee (if that makes any sense?) no bitterness or that nasty metalic taste. They do a tasting menu too...

If I had a cat there'd be loads of photos of it here but I'm a dog person in the city so I have plants.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

there's a spot of light farming going on in the Phoenix Park this morning — you can see hundreds of bales of haylage all smelling like really cheap almond essence — which is kind of nice when it's not really cheap almond essence.

some/a lot of my running photos turn out like this — but i like how you can see my stride in them. no heavy breathers today, just a family looking at the deer.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

said pumpkins.
wow, this pie is heaven in a square. (of course squares never look as good as rounds)

It's a Blazing Salads recipe so no wheat, dairy or even sugar.

hoping to hang out this sunflower head for the birds to nibble on when it gets a bit nippier. little humbug breath mints for them...

a special note to Sarah — make this! all those pumpkins need a good home (tucked up in almond and maple pastry in the freezer)