Sunday, October 31, 2010

Six black cats in the car park behind my house; if I were superstitious...

Fireworks over neighbouring rooftops — everytime we nipped inside because we thought they were over another bout of them would erupt and we'd leg it out to catch the end. Happy Halloween guys : )

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I was cleaning out my tiny freezer and I found this guy inside (one of James' illustration escapees)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Before I locked the hens in for the night I took a photo of them asleep on their perches — very night vision : )

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm finally learning to drive! My dad took me for a practice run up Mount Leinster last Sunday where we had a cup of tea in the car and watched the paragliders (you can see two in the top photograph)

Lass, hanging around outside the kitchen window, waiting for a tasty bit.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I go for a walk before I start work in the morning — leaving the house and returning as if it's my office.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

There was a naturally occurring camera obscura in the bathroom! Needless to say I had to have a look every time I went in there. The dark patch in the top right corner is a holy bush that was shaped like a christmas tree just outside the window.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Rainbows AHOY! I wasn't quite as excited as Double Rainbow Guy. It makes me laugh everytime : )

Sarah and Rachel brought me out for dinner last weekend for my birthday! It was so nice — we should do it more often. (hint hint...) We went to l'gueuleton on Fade Street where i celebrated my 21st birthday, our 1 year anniversary, our 1 and a half year anniversary (any excuse) and now my 26th birthday!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

got caught in the rain today
baby sunflower seeds and baby buns

I actually just found this post I never published in my drafts folder! I wrote it just over a year ago

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our first morning in Holiday Part II (Connemara) I got up early and saw this guy nibbling on some clover outside the window. After some careful peepin' and creepin' I realised he couldn't see me through the glass at all - even when he looked right at me!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a few snaps from our holiday to Berlin!

I think I'll remember the food, graffiti and lots of flowers in window boxes (and rain) I love the leaves on top of the baskets of nuts and the aubergine graffiti : )